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I Became the Target of the Harem in Another World
Followed by 25 people
Status Ongoing
Type Manhua

I Became the Target of the Harem in Another World

Alternative Titles I Became the Target of the Harem in Another World, Wǒ Jìng Chéngle Yì Shìjiè Hòugōng De Cǎijí Duìxiàng, 我竟成了异世界后宫的采集对象

Synopsis I Became the Target of the Harem in Another World

Penghalang dimensional telah hancur! Buku panduan rahasia, perlengkapan arkana, dan monster roh telah turun, membuat dunia ini masuk ke era penaklukan! Aku ingin bersembunyi, tapi gadis-gadis dari dunia lain terus datang kepadaku… untuk menjemputku!

Released 2024
Author 羽栖 [Add, ]
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Keywords: read i became the target of the harem in another world, i became the target of the harem in another world english, i became the target of the harem in another world eng, download i became the target of the harem in another world eng, read i became the target of the harem in another world online
