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I Became A Part Time Employee For Gods
Followed by 253 people
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Type Manhwa

I Became A Part Time Employee For Gods

Alternative Titles Albanala of the Gods, Albanian of the Gods, The Part-Time Land of the Gods, 신들의 알바나라 , Albanara of the Gods , The Part-Time Land of the Gods

Synopsis I Became A Part Time Employee For Gods

Tanpa keterampilan profesional, Yu Damduk yang menganggur terpaksa mengambil pekerjaan paruh waktu. Frustrasi dengan kehidupannya yang menyedihkan, dia curhat kepada para dewa, tersambar petir dan pingsan. [Lowongan] Dewa sedang menunggu Anda. Saat dia bangun, dia menemukan status window mengambang di depan matanya. Karena toh aku sudah kehilangan segalanya, mari ikuti saja arusnya… bekerja paruh waktu di dunia dewa untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik, petualangan Yu Damduk, yang menjadi Dewa kelas terendah di dunia paruh waktu, dimulai!

Released -
Author Kakao
Artist Kakao
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Keywords: read i became a part time employee for gods, i became a part time employee for gods english, i became a part time employee for gods eng, download i became a part time employee for gods eng, read i became a part time employee for gods online

Chapter I Became A Part Time Employee For Gods
